The English edition is used by a large number of well-known Maritime Institutes and companies, i.a.
ABB (Switzerland),
ABC (Belgium),
Alfa Laval Benelux (The Netherlands),
Atlanship S.A. (The Netherlands),
Bolier MaK (The Netherlands),
Brittany Ferries (France),
CMA Shipping (France),
Caterpillar MaK (Germany),
Cummins Holland (The Netherlands),
DNV (Worldwide),
Detroit Diesel (The Netherlands),
Discom Silencers (The Netherlands),
DNV Petroleum Services, (The Netherlands),
Germanische Lloyd (Worldwide),
Goltens Rotterdam (The Netherlands),
Goltens (Dubai),
JR Shipping (The Netherlands),
Kelvin Hughes Limited (United Kingdom),
Kristen Navigation (Greece),
Lauritzen (Denmark),
Lloyd’s Register (Worldwide),
Machine Support (The Netherlands),
Maersk Ship Management (The Netherlands),
MAN Diesel & Turbo – Prime Service (Denmark),
MAN Diesel AG (Germany),
Mark van Schaick Crankshaft Repair (The Netherlands),
Paul Klaren OEM Parts (The Netherlands),
S.M.T. Seaway Supply (The Netherlands),
U.S.Coast Guard
VAF Instruments (The Netherlands),
Wagenborg Shipping (The Netherlands),
Wärtsilä Service Stations Worldwide),
Wärtsilä (Switzerland).

The new third edition of the diesel engine book is available

"Gas- and dual-fuel engines for ship propulsion, powerplants and cogeneration” Is available

E-Book Diesel Engines for Ship Propulsion and Power Plants from 0 to 100,000 kW - 3rd Revised Edition

E-Book Gas- and Dual-Fuel Engines for Ship Propulsion, Power Plants and Cogeneration from 0 to 100,000 kW
Thank you very much for the sample copies of your second edition which I received on Monday
Sanjeev Sarwal
Marine Engineering , Chief Instructor
I have already purchased from you a copy of Diesel Engines in english some time ago and I would like to compliment you on writing a truly great and very informative book.
Frank Buckley
The book will be used from the 1st semester and by approximately 100 students.
Lars Fors
Engineering Department University of Kalmar , Lecturer